Swimmer's ears, which has also been called otitis externa is an infection inside your ear canal caused by a yeast overgrowth


This is the opening of your ear that is on the outer edge of the ear. A small tube runs from this opening to the inner ear, and this tube carries the sound that passes through to the eardrum. Swimmer's ears is distinct from the ordinary ear infection, your child often suffers from following a cold or allergy attack.


If the infection is caused by an allergic reaction, the baby may have a buildup of earwax, causing the irritated outer layer of the ear drum to become thick and white. This irritates the ear canal as the yeast infects the earwax and eventually ends up in the eardrum. The infection then causes a white, yellow, or red discharge that resembles cottage cheese. As it progresses, it can irritate the inner ear as well.


If your child's symptoms are more severe, it can also cause severe pain. This can impair the child's hearing and also cause dizziness. If left untreated, it can even cause permanent damage to the hearing aid in the inner ear.


To prevent infection, you must clean your ears regularly. This means every day when you take a bath, as well as before going to bed at night. The best way to do this is to use a combination of warm and salty water. This will help kill the yeast spores that are still present in the ear.


Another method is to gently scrape off the earwax from the eardrum as well as around the outer ear. This can be done with a cotton swab or tweezers. If the earwax becomes too thick, the same procedure should be followed as described above. To do this, simply place a tampon or tweezers against your ear and gently scrape it off. Repeat the scraping process at least twice, especially for thick earmolds.


In the worst case scenario, you may have to have surgery to get rid of swimmer's ear. This is very rare but can happen.


When the ear infection is serious, you should consult a doctor or ear specialist for advice on the best course of action.


Usually one of these approaches will be more effective than treating it yourself


Swimmer's ear infections are treatable and it is something you should never fear. It's a simple problem that can be cured fairly quickly if you take the appropriate steps.


Swimmer's ear is caused due to the infection of the ear drum or the mucous membrane lining the ear canal, and this may result in pain and inflammation, which may cause the symptoms of tinnitus as well. These symptoms may also occur in other kinds of ear infections as well.


It may also be caused by the accumulation of wax, secreted by the hair, or skin that forms a thin film on the ear drum or the ear canal lining. This may further aggravate the condition causing pain, inflammation, and ultimately may result in the swimmer's ear.


One of the most common forms of ear infections is otitis media. This can also lead to swimmers' ear by virtue of its association with a thickened wax coating on the eardrum and surrounding structures and tissues.


Although ear infections are very painful, treatment can be achieved through the use of antibiotics. Antibiotics have the ability to reduce inflammation and relieve pain.


The treatment for swimmer's ear can vary according to the type of infection. There are also some over the counter medicines available that can help.

Hospice team

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